Almost all exclusively premium cigars are meticulously hand-rolled by skilled cigar artisans. Achieving the necessary expertise for crafting these premium cigars requires extensive training, taking a minimum of nine months on average. However, it often takes many years for rollers to attain the level of mastery and intricate craftsmanship needed to produce the highest-quality cigars.
Each expert roller is equipped with their own spacious workspace and a selection of tobacco leaves. Their role is to utilize their experience and knowledge to identify the perfect combination of leaves that will guarantee the premium status of the final product, meeting the exacting standards of discerning consumers.
Using a specialized “chaveta” knife, these artisans painstakingly remove any natural irregularities from the leaves without relying on mechanical assistance. They then skillfully wrap the outer leaf around the binder, making precisely three and a half rotations. To finish the cigar, they cut a small round piece from a different wrapper leaf and attach it to the end of the cigar using natural vegetable paste. This meticulous craftsmanship ensures that every hand-rolled premium cigar is a work of art, delivering a truly exceptional smoking experience.