Report · “Puros Julio, when it is the children who give value to the legacy”

Report “Puros Julio, when it is the children who give value to the legacy”

The generational change in the artisanal trades of La Palma is key to avoiding their loss. There are times when children ‘collect the legacy’ of their parents and transform it, making possible not only their survival but also their expansion. This has been demonstrated in these 22 years by ‘Puros Julio’, a family business in which the three sons took ‘the baton of command’ from their father, becoming today an example of the production of the Palmero cigar for the tourists who ‘parade’ weekly through its facilities to learn about this process in detail. Today the TimeTV cameras do the same, and from the farm to the store, we see how complicated it is to make a cigar, which can take up to SEVEN YEARS, from the time it is planted to the time it is consumed. This Tuesday, June 8, at 7:00 p.m., ‘Puros Julio, when it is the children who give value to the legacy’.

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